Blog - Persol Business Forum

The Persol Business Forum was held on the 6th October, 2016 at Movenpick Ambassador Hotel for the financial industry.
With the growing need for improved document management with workflow processes and real time insight into operations for effective decision-making, Persol Systems Limited in partnership with d.velop and SAP Africa organized a business forum for financial institutions to address these challenges.
The forum held at Movenpick Ambassador Hotel in Accra on 12th October, 2016, was attended by participants from local and international banks, insurance companies and a number of regulatory authorities in Ghana. The group engaged in ways to improve their business processes with focus on customer delivery. The Persol and SAP team shared, simplified and advanced technologies in interactive document and workflow management such as escpand, d.3 and foxdox from d.velop AG, and Business Intelligence, Treasury & Risk Management and Business Planning & Consolidation solutions from SAP.
Mr. Michael Quarshie (MD, Persol Systems Limited) in his welcome address noted that although the economy is facing some hardships, businesses could manage their operations more efficiently in order to weather the storm. He reminded participants that as technology and global trade are making the world smaller with increased competition, Ghanaian companies could only survive and thrive within the competitive milieu by adopting the same cutting edge technologies that global companies have always used to produce results that give them an edge. In partnership with SAP Africa, Persol Systems Limited will take the companies through a free digital assessment to identify and suggest road maps for business improvement.
Persol Systems Limited is a Ghanaian owned firm with numerous years of experience in Software Development, System Integration and IT Consulting and with strategic partnerships with d.velop and SAP SE both from Germany reaffirms its commitment through the provision of full-featured software and new technological solutions that help our customers to grow and to improve the quality of life of individual users of our products.
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